Mental Wellbeing in The Workplace

This month is a great reminder that we are all human and it’s OK to not be OK 100% of the time. It’s also a great reminder that even though having mental health conversations or check-ins may feel awkward, it can #BeTheDifference. Recognizing the signs of someone struggling and learning how and when to help is the first step.

Vivacity is proud to partner with Mental Health First Aid at Work (MHFA@W) to offer our customers personalized trainings and certification courses in Mental Health First Aid. MHFA@W equips workforces, leaders, and employees with the knowledge to recognize changes in behavior, substance use concerns, and mental health crises in the workplace. It also teaches how to be an effective listener and offer support and resources when appropriate.

According to the Harvard Business Review, workers who felt supported with their mental wellbeing at work were less likely to experience symptoms of mental health or substance use challenges, less likely to underperform and miss work, and more likely to feel comfortable talking about their mental health at work which, in turn, reduces stigma.

Contact us to learn more about our partnership with MHFA@W and how you can host a training or certification course for your team. Let’s #BeTheDifference together.

Enjoy and share MHFA@W’s Mental Wellbeing in The Workplace toolkit.


Trident Seafoods: Mental Wellbeing at Work


Happy Mother’s Day to All!